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Tropibio publications


Title: Reassessment of the conservation status of Crocidura fingui, a shrew endemic to Príncipe Island, Central Africa
Authors: Alves JCT, dos Santos Y, Guedes P, Rocha R
Journal: Oryx

Title: Sampling completeness changes perceptions of continental scale climate–species richness relationships in odonates
Authors: Alves-Martins F, Stropp J,  Juen L,  Ladle RJ,  Lobo J M,  Martinez-ArribasJ,  Júnior PDM, Brasil LS,  Ferreira VRS,  Bastos RC,  Córdoba-Aguilar A,  Medina-Espinoza EF,  Dutra S,  Vilela DS,  Cordero-Rivera A,  del Palacio A,  Ramírez A,  Carvalho-Soares AA,  Farias ABS …  Hortal J
Journal: Journal of Biogeography

Title: Quantifying spatial ignorance in the effort to collect terrestrial fauna in Namibia, Africa
Authors: Lessa T, Alves-Martins F, Martinez-Arribas J, Correia RA, Mendelsohn J, Fabiano EC, Angombe ST, Malhado AC, Ladle RJ
Journal: Ecological Indicators

Title: Using social media and machine learning to understand sentiments towards Brazilian National Parks
Authors: Souza CN, Martínez-Arribas J, Correia RA, Almeida JAGR, Ladle RJ, Vaz AS, Malhado AC
Journal: Biological Conservation 


Title: The last Afromontane forests in Angola are threatened by fires
Authors: Powell LL, Vaz Pinto P, Mills MSL, Baptista NL, Costa K, Dijkstra KB, Gomes AL, Guedes P, Júlio T, Monadjem A, Palmeirim AF, Russo V, Melo M
Journal: Nature Ecology & Evolution

Title: Eponyms have no place in 21st-century biological nomenclature
Authors: Guedes P, Alves-Martins F, Martinez-Arribas J, Chatterjee S, Santos AMC, Lewin A, Bako L, Webala PW, Correia RA, Rocha R, Ladle RJ 
Journal: Nature Ecology & Evolution

Phylogenetic relationships of the West African mud turtle (Pelusios castaneus) on the islands of São Tomé and Príncipe, West Central Africa
Authors: Guedes P, dos Santos Y, Matilde E, Alves J, Rato C, Rocha R
Journal: Amphibia-Reptilia

Title: Not all farms are created equal: Shady African cocoa farms promote a richer bat fauna
Authors: Ferreira DF, Darling A, Jarrett A, Atagana PJ, Sandjo PR, Taedoumg H, Welch AJ, Rebelo H, Powell LL
Journal: Biological Conservation

Title: Birds and bats enhance yields in Afrotropical cacao agroforests only under high tree-level shade cover
Authors: Ferreira DF, Jarrett C, Wandji AC, Atagana PJ, Rebelo H, Maas B, Powell LL
Journal: Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment

Title: EU deforestation law overlooks emerging crops
Authors: Powell LL., Capela J, Guedes P, Beja P
Journal: Science

Title: Pervasive gaps in Amazonian ecological research
Authors: Carvalho RL, Resende AF, Barlow J, França FM, Moura MR, Maciel R, Alves-Martins F, Shutt J, Nunes CA, Elias F, Silveira JM, Stegmann L, Baccaro FB, Juen L, Schietti J, Aragão L, Berenguer E, Castello L, Costa FRC, Guedes ML, Leal CG, Lees AC, Isaac V, Nascimento RO, Phillips OL, Schmidt FA, Ter Steege H, Vaz-de-Mello F, Venticinque EM, Vieira ICG, Zuanon J, The Synergize Consortium, Ferreira J
Journal: Current Biology

TitleBiocultural aspects of species extinctions
Authors: Ladle RJ, Alves-Martins F, Malhado ACM, Reyes-García V, Courchamp F, Di Minin E, Roll U, Jari´c I, Correia RA
Journal: Cambridge Prisms: Extinction

Title: Flagship individuals in biodiversity conservation
Authors: Jarić I, Normande IC, Arbieu U, Courchamp F, Crowley SL, Jeschke JM, Roll U, Sherren K, Thomas-Walters L, Veríssimo D, Ladle RJ
Journal: Frontiers in Ecology and Environment

Title: Dung removal increases under higher dung beetle functional diversity regardless of grazing intensification
Authors: Noriega JA, Hortal J, de Castro-Arrazola I, Alves-Martins F … Santos AMC
Journal: Nature Communications


Title: Emergent properties of species-habitat networks in an insular forest landscape
Authors: Palmeirim AF, Emer C, Benchimol M, Storck-Tonon D, Bueno AS, Peres CA
Journal: Science Advances

Title: Habitat Quality, Not Patch Size, Modulates Lizard Responses to Habitat Loss and Fragmentation in the Southwestern Amazon
Authors: Silva DJ, Palmeirim AF,  Santos-Filho M,  Sanaiotti TM, Peres CA
Journal: Journal of Herpetology

Title: Integration of Mark–Recapture and Acoustic Detections for Unbiased Population Estimation in Animal Communities
Authors: Crinan J, Haydon DT, Morales JM, Ferreira DF, Forzi FAWelch AJ, Powell LL, Matthiopoulos J
Journal: Ecology

Title: Odonates in warm regions of south america largely do not follow Rapoport’s rule
Authors: Miguel TB, Calvão LB, Alves-Martins F, Batista JD, Rodrigues ME, Guillermo-Ferreia R, De Marco Júnior P, Juen L
Journal: Biodiversity and Conservation


Title: Forest area predicts all dimensions of small mammal and lizard diversity in Amazonian insular forest fragments
Authors: Palmeirim AF, Farneda FZ, Vieira MV, Peres CA
Journal: Landscape Ecology
Title: Impacts of hydropower on the habitat of jaguars and tigers
Authors: Palmeirim AF & Gibson L
Journal: Communications Biology

Title: High resource overlap and small dietary differences are widespread in food‐limited warbler (Parulidae) communities
Authors: Kent CM, Huh KM, Hunter SC, Judson K, Powell LL, Sherry TW
Journal: Ibis 

Title: Patterns of bird song evolution on islands support the character release hypothesis in tropical but not in temperate latitudes
Authors: Robert A, Melo M, Lengagne T, Julien S, Gomez D, Doutrelant C
Journal: Journal of Evolutionary Biology

Title: Evolution of vocal performance and song complexity in island birds
Authors: Robert A, Lengagne T, Melo M, Gomez D, Doutrelant C
Journal: Journal of Avian Biology

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