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Entomologist Maximillian Tercel joins the TROPIBIO Team


Max’ fascination with invertebrates – ranging from centipedes to spiders to scorpions and insects – began at an early age, earning him the title of a self-proclaimed "bug nerd”. Driven by his keen interest in ants, his journey into entomology culminated in a PhD focused on the impact of invasive ants on Round Island (Mauritius), a tiny biodiversity gem in the Indian Ocean. Using cutting-edge techniques like dietary metabarcoding and behavioral observations, Max revealed the complex trophic interactions between invasive ants and native species. Post-PhD, he collaborated with the Durrell Wildlife Conservation Trust and the Natural History Museum in London, venturing back to Mauritius to document the rich invertebrate diversity across its islands. His work shed light on previously unexplored facets of Mauritius' native invertebrate biodiversity, paving the way for future conservation efforts. 

As part of the TROPIBIO project, Max will be exploring the ecology of driver ants in the Afrotropics – delving into their far-reaching impacts on the tropical forest ecosystems in Central Africa. 

„I'm incredibly interested in the life histories and behavior of ants, and how these traits enable ants to be important components of virtually every terrestrial ecosystem between the poles. I'm particularly interested in how they both directly, such as through predation and mutualism, and indirectly influence other organisms so the effect of ants might cascade across food webs and communities." - Max Tercel 

Welcome aboard, we are glad to have you with us! 

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