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TiBE 2024: Call for Abstracts


We are pleased to announce that the call for abstracts for TiBE 2024 is now open. 

You are invited to submit abstracts for oral and poster presentations for the TiBE 2024 conference, which will be held from 4 to 6 December in Vila do Conde (Portugal) under the theme "Ecology and Conservation in the Afrotropics: Enhancing Tropical Biodiversity and Ecosystem Research".

Abstracts can be submitted here
Deadline for submissions: extended to 6 September 2024

Additionally, proposals for thematic sessions can be submitted here.

We encourage early abstract submissions from people from non-EU countries to accommodate visa application processes.

For more information follow the TiBE X account @tibe_biopolis or email us at tibe@cibio.up.pt
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