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Tropibio and FCT discussed EU-Africa Cooperation events

Tropibio team members Richard Ladle, Carlos Pereira, Fredrik Oxefelt and Claudia Malhado met with the FCT team members Maria Maia, Margarida Ferreira, André Mercier, Rui Munhá for an online meeting to discuss ideas and plan collaborations for organizing public training events on EU-Africa Cooperation themes.

In summary, the objective is the organization of a set of dissemination activities, in the form of Seminars / Workshops, aimed at the CIBIO community, African partners of the CIBIO TwinLabs Network, focusing on the general rationale and long-term priorities of the North-South cooperation schemes, and potential funding opportunities. 

It has been proposed two major actions:
- a national perspective, consisting of the involvement of the focal points of initiatives such as the HLPD, PERIN, and the "Green Deal” and other Agro and Biodiversity issues related to Africa;
- an international perspective, involving potential elements of the European Commission's DG/RTD and/or other institutions related to ST&I EU-Africa cooperation.

Legend: Photo from the online meeting. 

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