Tropibio scientist Ludmilla da Costa Pinto gives a talk in a public school
Tropibio junior research (currently on a secondment in CIBIO), Ludmilla da Costa Pinto spoke about "Bats: mysterious and extraordinary" to 5 classes of students from the 6th grade (about 11 years old) from the Escola EB2,3 Campo Aberto (Beiriz in Póvoa de Varzim).
The talk started with a short video about the Ciência Viva project and then went into more detail about bats, with the main objective of dispelling some myths about this amazing group of animals, e.g. "are bats blind?", "do bats suck blood?", etc. Ludmilla also spoke about the importance of these animals, and their role in nature. The children interacted and asked a lot of questions. This talk was part of the Science and Technology Week in Portugal, and it was organized by the Centro de Ciência Viva de Vila do Conde with the objective to promote contact between the scientific community and local schools.
Ludmilla talking about bats.
Students participating in the talk.
Final slide.
Ludmilla talking about bats.
Students participating in the talk.
Final slide.