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MSc and PhD Students

 PhD and MSc Students

Aina Rossinyol (MSc Student 2022-). Patterns and predictors of mid-sized mammal diversity in agricultural landscapes of Guinea-Bissau (West Africa). Supervisor: Filipa Palmeirim. Co-supervisor: Mar Cabeza (Helsinki University). Master’s Programme in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology/Integrative Plant Sciences. Faculty of Biological and Environmental Sciences/Helsinki University. 


Alma Liss S. Quiñones (PhD Candidate 2022-). Elucidating Pollination Ecosystem Services in Cameroonian Cocoa Farms. Supervisors: Andreanna Welch (Durham University, UK), Co-supervisors: Luke Powell (Biodiversity Initiative & CIBIO) & Tom Wanger (Westlake University, China). PhD in Biosciences, Durham University, United Kingdom.


 Amandine Doré (PhD Student 2025-). Advancing the understanding of moult patterns, population demographics, and conservation strategies in African birds through the development of constant effort ringing sites. Supervisors: Martim Melo (BIOPOLIS-CIBIO & FitzPatrick Institute of African Ornithology) & Prof. Les G Underhill (Department of Biological Sciences, University of Cape Town). BIODIV Doctoral Programme. University of Porto, Portugal.

Ana Catarina Araújo Fernandes (MSc Student 2022-). Activity patterns and species-level responses of tropical insectivorous bats to land-use change: insights from the Gulf of Guinea. Supervisor: Filipa Palmeirim (CIBIO) Co-supervisors: Ricardo Rocha (CIBIO) & Vanessa Mata (CIBIO). Mestrado em Biodiversidade, Genética e Evolução. University of Porto, Portugal. 

Ana Sofia Castro Fernandes
(MSc Student 2022-). Local and landscape-scale predictors of aerial insectivorous bats in the endemic-rich islands of Sao Tome and Principe, West Africa. Supervisor: Filipa Palmeirim (CIBIO). Co-supervisors: Ricardo Rocha (CIBIO) & Vanessa Mata (CIBIO). Mestrado em Biodiversidade, Genética e Evolução. University of Porto, Portugal. 

Anna Karoline Azevedo
(PhD Student 2021-). The man-nature relationship in the conservation of protected areas and their fauna: a cultural approach. Supervisor: Richard Ladle (CIBIO) & Co-supervisor: Fernanda Alves Martins (CIBIO). PPGDIBICT Doctoral Programme. Federal University of Alagoas, Brazil.


Cristian Pizzigalli
(PhD Student 2021-). Investigating ecological networks in extreme climate environments: Landscape genomics and adaptive genetic variation in West African populations of crocodiles and baboons. Supervisor: José Carlos Brito (CIBIO) & Co-supervisors: Raquel Godinho (CIBIO), Orly Razgour (University of Exeter) and Maria Joana Ferreira da Silva (CIBIO). BIODIV Doctoral Programme. University of Porto, Portugal.

Daniel A. Velarde-Garcéz
(PhD Student 2022-). Diet and distribution of invasive mammals in São Tomé: Impact of predation on local fauna. Supervisor: Pedro Beja (CIBIO) & Co-supervisor: Vanessa Alves Mata (CIBIO). BIODIV Doctoral Programme,   University of Porto, Portugal.

Felipe Alexandre Santos Vieira
(PhD Student 2019-). Relating value generating practices with human well-being in Protected Areas. Supervisor: Richard Ladle (CIBIO). PPGDIBICT Doctoral Programme. Federal University of Alagoas, Brazil.

Filipa Borges
(PhD Student 2020-2024). Integrating genomics with local knowledge to understand responses of West African primates to past and present ecological and anthropogenic changes. Supervisor: Tania Minhós (Centro em Rede de Investigação em Antropologia (CRIA) e Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Portugal), Co-supervisors: Maria Joana Ferreira da Silva (CIBIO) and Kimberley Hockings (Exeter University, UK).  

Francisco dos Reis Silva
(MSc Student 2022-). Responses of amphibians and reptiles to land-use change in Guinea-Bissau. Supervisor: Filipa Palmeirim. Co-supervisors: Mar Cabeza (University of Helsinki) and Cristian Pizzigalli (CIBIO). Master’s Programme in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology/Integrative Plant Sciences. Faculty of Biological and Environmental Sciences/Helsinki University.

Ivo Colmonero Costeira
(PhD Student 2020-2024). Ethnobiological and genomic insights of traditional management practices of insular mammals by the Bijagó ethnic group in Guinea-Bissau and its applications to non-human primate conservation. Supervisors: Maria Joana Ferreira da Silva (CIBIO) & Co-supervisors: Michael W. Bruford (Cardiff University) and  Susana Costa (CIAS, University of Coimbra, Portugal). PhD student from Cardiff University, UK, associated with CIBIO/InBio, Portugal and Coimbra University. 

Laura Torrent
(PhD Student 2021-). Discovering the bat fauna from the continental region of Equatorial Guinea, Africa. Supervisor: Hugo Rebelo (CIBIO) & Co-supervisor: Javier Juste Ballesta (Doñana Biological Station - CSIC) and Adrià López-Baucells (Natural Science Museum of Granollers - BiBIO). BIODIV Doctoral Programme. University of Porto, Portugal.

Patricia Rodrigues
 (PhD Student 2018-2024). Are African ant-following birds specialized? A cross-continental comparison of behavior to help shed light on global patterns of decline. Supervisor: Philip C Stouffer (Louisiana State University) & Co-supervisors: Luke L. Powell (CIBIO) and Henry S. Pollock (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign). Renewable Natural Resources Department, Louisiana State University, United States.

   Pilar Jurado (PhD Student 2022-). Are historical drivers of speciation determining morphological change in oceanic island radiations? A study of morphological disparity in darkling beetles from Cabo Verde. Supervisors: Raquel Vasconcelos (CIBIO), Mario García París (Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales, Madrid, Spain), Evandro P. Lopes (Universidade Técnica do Atlântico, São Vicente, Cabo Verde). BIODIV Doctoral Programme. University of Porto, Portugal.

Raquel Oliveira
 (MSc Student 2022-2024). Conserving biodiversity and enhancing food security: small mammals and their ecosystem (dis)services across rice paddies in Guinea-Bissau (West Africa). Supervisor: Filipa Palmeirim (CIBIO). Co-supervisor: Ana Rainho. Master in Conservation Biology. Faculty of Sciences/University of Lisbon (FCUL).

Sonia Llorente Culebras
(PhD Student 2019-). Conservation of functional and phylogenetic diversity of vertebrates. Supervisor: Ana Margarida Coelho dos Santos (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Spain). Co-supervisor: Richard J. Ladle (CIBIO). FPI-UAM Doctoral Programme. Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Spain.

Thainá Lessa Pontes Silva
(PhD Student 2020-). Identifying and mapping biodiversity knowledge shortfalls in sub-Saharan Africa. Supervisor: Richard Ladle (CIBIO) & Co-supervisor: Fernanda Alves Martins. PPGDIBICT Doctoral Programme. Federal University of Alagoas, Brazil. 


Tiff DeGroot
(PhD Candidate 2019-). Investigating mammal distribution and diversity in Equatorial Guinea, Central Africa. Supervisors: Kristin Brzeski (MTU), Jared Wolfe (MTU) & Co-supervisors: Tao Liu (MTU), Luke Powell (CIBIO). Forest Science. Michigan Technological University, United States of America.

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