Tropibio invites to the course Structural Equation Models (SEM) and Quantile Regressions applied to biodiversity-related sciences
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March 27th, 2023
Fernanda Alves Martins and Javier Arribas will be delivering the course on Structural Equation Models (SEM) and Quantile Regressions applied to biodiversity-related sciences from 27-29 March 2023 in CIBIO.
The course is aimed at BIODIV Doctoral Program students but is also open to students from the Twinlabs and other post-graduate students and researchers.
This course aims to provide students with basic notions of structural equation models (SEM), a multivariate technique used to solve complex questions in biodiversity-related sciences, and quantile regression models, an alternative technique to traditional regression methods. The algebraic part of the models will not be emphasized, but their ecological applications. At the end of the course, the participant will be able to (i) formulate hypotheses and conceptual models based on complex relationships between ecological variables, (ii) apply the learnt statistical techniques, (iii) interpret and discuss the results obtained. It is required basic notion of R (R program
The course will run for 21 hours and it contend will include:
- A brief overview of Structural Equation Models (SEM)
- Correlation and regression
- Acyclic graphs, conceptual models and graphical representation
- D-separation in piecewise SEM and model’s coefficient estimation
- Moving Beyond Linear Regression: an overview of Quantile Regression (QR) models and their biodiversity-related applications
- QR model’s fit and coefficient estimation
- SEM fit with d-separation in piecewise SEM and model’s coefficient estimation
- An introduction to programming using R
- SEM practical exercises using R
- Applications of QR models to biodiversity-related science
- QR practical exercises using R